Little Girl Wishes
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Little Girl痴 Wishes
Words by Becky Moore and Alex Townes
2002 Alex Townes

Mommy, I want this pretty new bike
It痴 pink with a great ringy bell
Mommy do you think we could?
I値l learn to ride real well

Make your wish my little one
Keep your list my sweet little thing
Hold onto your hopes my baby girl
We値l see what life will bring

Mommy, I want my daddy home
I miss him and wish he was here
Mommy, do you think we could?
I need him to hold me near.

Make your wish my little one
Keep your list my sweet little thing
Hold onto your hopes my baby girl
We値l see what life will bring

Mommy, I want to say my prayers
The ones we say every night
Mommy, do you think we could?
Say a few more tonight

Make your wish my little one
Keep your list my sweet little thing
Hold onto your hopes my baby girl
We値l see what life will bring

You値l have your wish my little one
All of your list my sweet little thing
We値l hope that God will hear our prayers
And see what life will bring